About me
Hello, I am Jianing Hao (Catherine), a third-year Ph.D. candidate in Data Science and Analytics (DSA) at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), supervised by Prof. Wei Zeng, and Prof. Guang Zhang. I received my B.Eng degree in Computer Science and Technology in Shandong University in 2022, supervised by Prof. Zhaohui Peng.
My research interest is centered around the time-series representation, with a particular interest in visual representation and finance.
Conference Review: ChinaVis (2023, 2024); VINCI (2024); ICLR (2025)
Conference Volunteer: VINCI (2023)
Teaching Assistant: INFH 5000; MOES 1102-Sanda; Operating Systems; Data Analysis
The longest day has an end